Investor FAQ

How can I purchase Green Hygienics Holdings Inc. shares?

Green Hygienics Holdings Inc. shares are listed on the OTCQB exchange under the ticker symbol “GRYN.” Prospective investors may purchase Green Hygienics Inc. shares through your investment advisor or brokerage firm, including online brokerage services. If you do not have a broker, your financial institution should be able to assist. You can find Green Hygienics’ share data here.

Do you grow hemp that contains THC?

No. Green Hygienics is focused exclusively on the cultivation and processing of industrial hemp to extract cannabinoids such as CBD, CBG, and CBN. The Company produces cannabis with less than 0.3% THC, making it an ordinary agricultural commodity under the Hemp Farming Act Of 2008. In addition, cannabis plants and derivatives that don’t contain more than 0.3% THC are no longer controlled substances under federal law.

What is USDA organic and why is it important?

The USDA Organic certification is critically important to us and our process. The US Department of Agriculture states, “organic is a labeling term that indicates that the food or other agricultural product has been produced and processed using approved methods. These methods integrate cultural, biological, and mechanical practices that foster the cycling of resources, promote ecological balance, and conserve biodiversity. Synthetic fertilizers, sewage sludge, irradiation, and genetic engineering may not be used. All products sold, labeled, or represented as organic must meet all requirements in the USDA organic regulations. In addition, products must be certified organic by a USDA-accredited certifying agent. The USDA organic regulations ensure that organically labeled products meet consistent national standards.” We take this certification seriously and work to maintain these consistent national standards.

For more information, please visit the U.S. Department of Agriculture website:

What is Green Hygienics Holdings Inc. Fiscal Year End and when do your Fiscal Quarters end?

Green Hygienics’ Fiscal Year End is July 31, and our quarters are January 31, April 30, and October 31.

Where can I access copies of Green Hygienics annual and interim financial reports?

To access Green Hygienics’ financial reports, you can view the Company’s SEC report, SEDAR filings, or click here.

Who is Green Hygienics’ transfer agent?

Green Hygienics’ transfer agent is Vstock. You can contact Vstock at 212-828-8436 or 855-9VSTOCK.

How many shares of Green Hygienics Holdings are currently issued and outstanding?

Green Hygienics current share data can be accessed here.

Why does Green Hygienics Holdings Inc. only grow organic hemp for CBD and not marijuana?

Green Hygienics is not interested in getting people high. Instead, our goal is to provide consumers with high-quality, safe, and reliable non-psychoactive CBD and hemp products because their health benefits and usage are extremely valuable and beneficial. The demand and market need for medical, nutraceutical, and pharmaceutical-grade CBD products are growing exponentially. We see far more value in positioning ourselves in a market that has the potential to help millions of people with their health challenges.

Does Green Hygienics have a stance on sustainability?

Hygienics is the practice of preserving and promoting the health of individuals, communities, and the planet – this is and always will be our core focus.


We apply sustainability-based actions to all aspects of our business, from growing our non-GMO seeds in organic soil to our commitments to important sustainability initiatives such as water control and ESG reporting.

Please see our Sustainability page and Investors page for more information.